Friday, August 1, 2008

Quiz time, thank you Jessie!

1. what time did you get up this morning? my alarm went off at 6:30 and I finally crawled out of bed at 7:30
2. diamonds or pearls? both please!
3. what was the last film you saw at the cinema? Mamma Mia!
4. what is your favorite tv show? the office, I heart Jim Halpert
5. what did you eat for breakfast? Toffee Almond popcorn
6. what foods do you dislike? sushi and indian
7. your favorite potato chip? Nacho Cheese Doritos
8. what is your favorite cd at the moment? Mamma Mia!
9. what kind of car do you drive? 2004 Toyota Corolla
10. favorite sandwich? Turkey on everything bagel from Einstien's
11. what characteristics do you despise? Lying, Arrogance
12. what are your favorite clothes? The ones I get to wear sassy shoes
13. if you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Spain, they have mountains, beaches, flamenco dancing, bull fighting, and fabulous shopping--oh yeah and great architecture
14. what color is your bathroom? sage green and baby pink
15. favorite brand of clothing? Ann Taylor and NY & Company
16. favorite time of day? When I get to cook dinner--great way to unwind after work
17. where would you want to retire to? California some where there are beaches, mountains and great access to travel
18. favorite sports to watch? basketball, football, soccer
19. coke or pepsi? Dr. Pepper I'm such a texas girl
20. are you a morning person or night owl? Neither I love to sleep
21. any new and exciting news you’d like to share? I'm going back to school (God willing!)
22. what did you want to be when you were little? Only a teacher
23. what is your best childhood memory? Going to McDonalds then the mall every Sat with my mom and sister
24. nicknames? Miss Priss
25. piercings? just my lobes
26. eye color? red and black
27. favorite day of the week? saturday!
28. favorite restaurant? Hard to have just one: Cubra Libre, La Cubanita, Chuy's
29. favorite ice cream? Pistacho from Pacuigo
30. which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Chanel, Fendi, Prada, Jimmy Choo
31. bedtime? Probably 10 or 11
32. what are you listening to right now? "Honey, Honey" from Mamma Mia!
33. how many tattoos do you have? 3: butterfly, Celtic cross, and Japanese symbol for happiness
34. next film you’ll see? not sure hopefully Dark Knight
35. tag anyone? if you want to do this, I tag you!

1 comment:

ginger said...

ooooh girl!! i went to cuba libre last weekend, am going to la cubanita next week, and could eat chuys for almost every meal and never get tired of it!! LOVE it!

sounds like we need to plan some dinner dates in the knox/henderson area!! :) so good to see you tonight!