Thursday, August 21, 2008

Cream Cheese Frosting Cures All

What is it about comfort foods that is so well, comforting? I'm a huge fan of Sprinkles, can't get enough. I'm not one for variety so I go straight for the red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting. Why not branch out, well the answer is simply cream cheese puts me in a better mood. One bite of the creamy, velvety frosting and I forget (temporarily) why I was mad or sad.

What's your ultimate comfort food?


ginger said...

YES! cake cake and more cake. sometimes icecream cake. the next time you're downtown/in my neighborhood, i need to take you to my fav bakery... they have amazing cupcakes!!

Brighter Sunshine said...

i found an awesome muffin recipe today... it has cream cheese in it... im making it! yum... i love cream cheese too.. you are so right!