Monday, August 4, 2008


So, I just finished Escape by Carolyn Jessop. It's about Carolyn's escape from polygamy and the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. I am familiar with the FLDS and it's origins through my education. (I grew up in a private school and studied world religions and cults.) Even though I have been taught the ways of the FDLS it's far different reading it in black and white. It's hard to believe that such abuse and control is happening within the United States, but as a Christian I know that faith can be much stronger than reason. These people have such faith that they cannot see what is morally right and wrong. From such a small age they are trained that "outsiders" are evil and that being in a polygamous relationship is God's will. I know the leaders of the FLDS forbode television, newspapers, and literature, but did they ban the Bible too? I know that the Mormon Church reads the Bible in addition to the Book of Morman, but if people read the Bible in the FLDS couldn't they see the conflicting doctorine of the prophet? Carolyn repeatedly mentions that the people in the FLDS were not to think for themselves and became fearful people so this is really hard for me to comprehend because I live in a society that merits higher education and thinking freely. The entire book tramatized me in a way that I wish that I could be involved in some way educating the women of the FLDS of the abuse they face. I know as an "outsider" I cannot make an impact because they all believe I'm evil, but I admire Carolyn's courage of her telling her story to educate Americans what is happening. Faith is so strong in the FLDS and they believe they are living in the will of God. I pray that they can know the true will of God and His compassion for His people.

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