Tuesday, April 15, 2008

One Year Later...

Time from time I like to remember what life was like a year ago to see how much has changed for me. Last year I went through a break up and talked to 2 different guys, worked at TEK, and getting ready for the Crawfish boil. This year, I'm still talking to the same 2 guys, going through a break up, working at TEK, and getting ready for the Crawfish boil. It sounds like life really hasn't changed for me. Believe it or not, life has changed. Experiences made me different, Travis and I finally got our date I was hoping to plan a year ago. Jeromy and I had a very complicated relationship followed by an even more complicated friendship, and for the first time in 6 years I'm officially single. I'm hoping to change that, but God may have a different plan for me.

1 comment:

Brighter Sunshine said...

God's def one that likes to throw curveballs - we'll see where these next few months take us!